Your Rights Matter as a Disabled Person

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Canada signed a document in 2010 called the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This document says how to support disabled Canadians in a lot of different ways. It talks about things like education, safety, health, and so much more.

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One important thing this document asks is that countries like Canada put monitoring systems in place to ensure that they are fulfilling their promises to uphold the rights of disabled people.

United Nations emblem

One type of monitoring that is being done is called foreign monitoring. Canada is visited by a person called the Special Rapporteur who represents the United Nations. She prepares a report on how well Canada has done at adopting the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Canada Flag

The Canadian Human Rights Commission has been asked to do domestic monitoring or in-country monitoring.

Man in wheelchair

They are asking disabled Canadians and caregivers of disabled children what matters to them when it comes to accessing their rights. They are also asking if you have experienced challenges in accessing your rights.

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The survey is anonymous. It is a bit of a long survey so it may be good to have someone help you go through it if you can!

Survey Link Here:

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