Wood table has five hands of five people with different colors of skin


Intersections of Ableism and Racism by Aurora Sol The intersections that tend to exist alongside disability are often not considered when examining what a disabled person needs to thrive in the world. In fact, the notion of disabled people thriving seems to be one that is not widely accepted. Perhaps

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Disability Story – National AccessAbility Week

When I first thought about writing a story about my disability, and how my life has been affected by the concepts and advancements in accessibility and universal design. I wondered if it would be as painful to write as with one’s own resume or bio, or to highlight some of mine and others struggles or challenges, or what seem like the “super-human things I and others can do. But after careful consideration I thought I’d give it a go.

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Woman holding microphone

Disability Stories: Education

Disability Pride Alberta: Why do schools need to keep classes that foster creativity and problem-solving? Temple: I’m very concerned that we’ve got kids growing up today totally removed from the world of the practical. You’ve got a lot of kids that think differently, maybe they’re labelled autistic to ADHD, dyslexic

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